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hit banana

When does a 500 pound gorilla have batting practice? Whenever it wants!. Hit the banana as far as you can. Click once to set your bat. Click again to swing.
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[/b]realtà mi ha appena mandato un sms e mi ha detto che mi ama. non so cosa significa , ha detto mcilroy, traendo risate dei giornalisti. io non so se è lui o la birra a parlare.(montaggio di mark lamport-stokes) sportstiger woodscon molly o'toole washington | gio set 15, 2011 05:44 edt washington (reuters) - un marine che ha salvato 36 di vita dei suoi compagni in un agguato in afghanistan ha ricevuto il medal of honor il giovedi, il marine vivente prima vincere la più alta decorazione militare degli stati uniti in quanto il war.sergeant vietnam dakota meyer, 23 anni, aveva il nastro azzurro del medal of honor drappeggiato intorno al collo dal presidente barack obama a casa bianca scintillante ceremony.meyer, nativo di columbia, kentucky , faceva parte di un team di formazione degli stati uniti le forze di sicur
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[/b]ect in the backseat of a Toyota next to a 3-year-old in a kid's seat on the glacial creep home from the Jersey Shore with the windows open to the stink of the Garden State's cancer alley and the clam-broth humidity of August, and he will tell you where to find Abu Musab Zarqawi - in king's English - before you reach the Outerbridge Crossing. Make him sit for 109 minutes on the Staten Island Expressway as the 3-year-old insists on playing "I spy with my little eye" while listening to an endless taped loop of Thomas the Tank Engine songs, and he'll give up Osama Bin Laden - and his prospective kidney donor - before you get to the Verrazano. Until I can afford a seaplane, with a pilot who knows how to take off and land, I'm staying put. This year, I'm saving my vacation time for the fall. So I've been spending the summer in the city, enjoying the colorful terror alerts, happy to know that orange is "in" this season, to match my biohazmat suit. I've spent most of my summer so far on the Belt Parkway, which moves with the alacrity of a drive-in movie. Pretty soon we'll be having tailgate parties on the Belt, which comes to a complete stop to rubberneck
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[/b]also place union card check and, if it’s sunk, START in the same category. Energy was probably lost when health reform was prioritized. The cost in political capital and sheer amount of air sucked up by a prolonged fight over carbon pricing in the Senate would have been too great and the GOP would have likely been able to run out the clock. The ability of the EPA to work around Congress gave the Obama administration other options and they simply moved on. Immigration reform, a politically combustible issue to begin with, became more difficult as the midterm elections approached and the controversial Arizona law, which quickly became a conservative litmus test of sorts, gave off too much heat; by summer 2010 it was too late. And then there were the various difficulties Democrats had in getting through the day to day business of the Senate with Republicans digging in their heels.Despite whatever problems arose in getting presidential appointees confirmed, treaties ratified or the government, um, funded, the 111th has indeed done a lot. One might have had reason to challenge Ornstein’s perspective in January, but could anyone really make
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[/b]But the real culprits are the Board of Education, which allows accused child molesters to work in schools, and the United Federation of Teachers, which plans to turn this issue into a bargaining chip in contract negotiations. State education law gives the board no choice but to pay suspended tenured teachers. But nobody forces the board to send the teachers to offices located in schools, where they canand doscare kids. Better the board send them home, even if it is a paid vacation, than allow them to pose a threat to children. One potential break in the mess is a change in the law that allows one judge, rather than three, to hear disciplinary cases against teachers. It promises to grease the wheels of justice and get dangerous teachers out of the classroom, and off the payroll, faster. But there's a problem. The legislators who wrote the new law allowed the union to ignore it until the teachers contract expires. That's not until October. Until then, with union leader Sandra Feldman's blessing, accused teachers can demand three judgesand let their cases drag on, often for years, while they're paid for nothing. Feldman's union says it supports the - Reebok Running Shoes;u=136487 - Reebok New For 2011;u=38019 - -

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